




本文選自農民之路(La Via Campesina )出版的”Understanding Free Trade through the KORUS FTA & the Necessity of Regional Economic Cooperation.”手冊。此手冊是收集了農民之路在首爾及日本兩場「因應亞太地區經濟整合策略會議」的討論內容。著重於討論韓美FTA及TPP之影響,也討論區域整合的另類模式。本文「FTA與TPP對亞太地區人民的衝擊與其反抗」,共有印尼、日本及澳洲三國簽署自由貿易協定之影響分析,為方便閱讀將分次翻譯刊登。







另一個關於生質燃料的政策則是” Lahan Energi Abadidevelopment”。該計畫將開發500萬公頃的土地做為能源供給。不過這個計畫實際上規模遠遠超過500萬公頃;2007年年中,此計畫在印尼卡里曼丹與馬來西亞的交界,新開墾一個面積達180萬公頃的棕櫚農場,並且在2008年底再擴張150萬公頃至馬老奇地區。




自由貿易協定有多種形式,例如韓美自由貿易協定(KORUS FTA)、泛太平洋戰略夥伴協議(TPP),以及區域性的協定,例如推動新自由主義區域整合的東協(ASEAN)。東協自90年代開始深化並擴張其勢力至世界其他區域。印尼簽署了許多FTA,第一個FTA即是東協自由貿易協定。該協定削減了東協國家之間的關稅障礙,目標是在2015建立東協經濟共同體。自1992年起,新自由主義化的潮流展開。其形式相當多元,例如東協+歐盟、東協+印度、東協+歐盟、東協+6等等。



人民論壇正抵制東協經濟整合,也討論替選方案的可能性。由於社會運動團體質疑東協協定中有兩個章節違反印尼憲法,所以印尼正針對2008年政府批准的東協協定展開違憲審查。印尼憲法明定經濟活動必須立基於追求社會正義的人民經濟(people’s economy),但東協協定與印尼-歐盟經濟協定的目標只在於追求自由市場。

農民之路:”Understanding Free Trade through the KORUS FTA & the Necessity of Regional Economic Cooperation.”


In Indonesia, more than 43% of the population is dependent on the agricultural sector. Out of these

people, 56% are either farm laborers (landless) or small farmers (land ownership of about 0.3 hectares). These

statistics reveal that agriculture is a fragile sector that will be directly affected by the WTO and FTA; small farmers will become the most affected elements in this free trade mechanism. The government has had to introduce amendments to existing laws in order to meet the needs of the free market and facilitate free trade negotiations: it has done so, namely, through liberalization, deregulation and privatization.

In December 2005, the EU commission adopted a Plan of Action and Strategy for agrofuels. The EU has a

target of 10% agrofuel consumption by 2020 (approximately 1 to 1.5 million tons). In the report, the

Commission admits the ambitiousness of the EU’s target. As a result, the development of agrofuels will

require significant economic investment. Developing countries in tropical areas are being selected for

agrofuel production due to their capacity for high levels of production and their high productivity due to lower

prices relative to developed countries, It was said that the EU seeks to encourage negotiations to expand the use of raw materials for agrofuels through multilateral and regional free trade agreements. This policy successfully boosts huge palm oil exports to compete here. For example, Southeast Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia have, in particular,

focused on palm oil and cassava production for ethanol.

Another policy on agrofuel is the Lahan Energi Abadi development that amounted to 5 million hectares of

land in order to provide a large energy supply. However, in reality the target was greater than 5 million

hectares. It started with the opening of a new 1.8 million-hectare palm oil plantation on the Kalimantan-

Malaysia border in mid-2007. It will be extended with 1.5 million hectares to Merauke towards the end of


The expansions of palm oil plantations in Indonesia have been seriously threatening the food sovereignty of

the people. This policy has raised agrarian conflict and also the loss of public access to agrarian resources.

Many members of SPI have experienced land grabbing for the development of palm oil plantations. In West

Java, the land clearing for palm oil plantation has cut the flow of irrigation, and peasant’s corn fields have

been seized. In South Sumatra, the opening of 1 million hectares of palm oil plantations has shut off irrigation

for hectares of rice fields. In North Sumatra, peasants who tried to defend their land from land grabbing by

palm oil plantations have been imprisoned. To conclude, the agrofuel industry threatens food sovereignty implementation and is responsible for the loss of millions of tons of local food.
From the consumer’s side, the competition between palm oil for food and palm oil for fuel has raised the

price of cooking oil nationally. The palm oil processing industry prefers to export Crude Palm Oil (CPO) to

Europe at a higher price. In 2006, there was a shortage of cooking oil in Indonesia.
The Free Trade Agreement can take many forms: KORUS FTA, TPP, and the form of regional blocks such

as ASEAN that create neoliberal regionalization. ASEAN has been deepening since the 1990s and is expanding

to another region in the world. Indonesia has signed many FTAs. The 1st FTA was the ASEAN Free Trade

Agreement (AFTA). It eliminated tariff barriers within ASEAN member countries. And its goal is to establish

the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. Since 1992 there has been a trend of neoliberalization. Neoliberal

regionalization has taken many forms: ASEAN + China, ASEAN + India, ASEAN + EU, ASEAN + 6. Indonesia has also signed FTAs with Australia, Turkey, Tunisia, and Pakistan. Obama is pushing the ASEAN countries to

also join the TPPA, Therefore ASEAN must be seen not as an alternative to the TPPA but as a way to achieving

its higher form through the FTAAP. This will have many negative impacts to people.

After the full implementation of the ASEAN + China FTA, trade with China has resulted in a deficit on nuts, fruits, and

cocoa. In addition 180,000 SMEs in Indonesia collapsed in the agriculture and toys industry. Producers are also

becoming retailers since they can’t compete with Chinese production. Potato prices slumped from 7000

rupia (50,000 won) to 3800 rupia (25,000 won) due to the import of cheap Chinese products. This price for

potatoes is below that which farmers can break even. Thus we see a declining income for potato farmers.

People’s forum is resisting and discussing alternatives to ASEAN. In Indonesia, a judicial review of the ASEAN

charter was started, which the government ratified in 2008. Social movements are challenging the ASEAN

charter stating that 2 of its provisions are unconstitutional. While the constitution mentions

economic activity based on “people’s economy” for social justice, the ASEAN charter and the

Comprehensive Economic Agreement b/w Indonesia and the EU’s economic goals just free markets.

We are currently trying to determine how we make people in Indonesia aware about this problem. We are

creating a national farmers’ forum to share information and to share some experience about the FTA. Many

books are being published. We need to make interventions in the public sphere and figure out how to

reveal the truths about the FTA in society. The situation in Indonesia is difficult because there is the optimistic

thinking of: we will sign first and then ask later. We are facing the same problems in our countries. We can

work together against the neoliberal project.